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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ramblings on the night before the night before Christmas

Sorry gang, no pictures tonight. I actually have some great ones from the Ward Christmas party and from Caroling Sunday night. We had a great time at both and it was all quite festive and holiday-ish. However I am pooped and Christmas is TOMORROW!!!!!!

Perhaps by the number of exclamation points and all caps this would denote I'm not one hundred percent ready. Not sure what I'm missing. I'm sure something. That is what's bothering me. I'm not aware that I am missing anything but I probably am and just don't know it.

And, I started working out again really hard. I am overrun with lactic acid right now and I can't move very well. I'm not kidding.

The Marine thinks it's funny.

I just am not even thinking. I am too focused on how much it hurts to go down stairs.

Going up is fine. Down, not so much.

I did body pump and then a cardio combo class yesterday morning. The Cardio combo has aerobic and anaerobic in it. Body pump involves weights and squats and lunges. Let me repeat that SQUATS AND LUNGES. I think my muscles have separated from my bones.

The Marine thinks it's funny to sneak up and rub my legs. I am not laughing.

Today the girls and I went and did the RPM (spin) class. I was okay during the class. It's later in the day that I became miserable, especially after sitting at the computer working, or driving in the car.

Tomorrow is a yoga/pilates class and another combo. I just keep thinking pie. If I work out I can eat some pie and not have to buy new blue jeans. Well, at least not new blue jeans in the next size up. I definitely deserve to buy new blue jeans. Especially for all the laughter I've provided to The Marine today.

I plan to start a sister blog. One chronicling my fitness and nutrition. Mostly because I need motivation, but also because I have fibromyalgia and a lot of folks ask me what I do to keep from getting worse.

Plus there are these wonderful folks at the gym and I can't wait to write about them. Muuuuhaahaaaaa....

So a recap of the evening/day:
  • I died twice at the gym in the spin class
  • Right now I'm sitting in my chair looking at my tree and listening to Recruit 2 play some online military game
  • Recruit 3 is curled up in the chair next to me. Her tummy hurts so she drank some ginger ale and I made her put peppermint oil on her tummy. It seems to be working and I get to smell peppermint
  • Recruits 4, 5, and 6 just went to bed, but are not yet asleep, I'm sure I've not seen the last of them this evening
  • Recruit 1 is cleaning my room. I'll be owing her twenty-five smackers when she's done. Money well spent! It was a mess!
  • Various dogs are curled up in different locations around me and The Marine is in the office doing something
  • Outside the Green Beast sits in driveway unable to be used. The steering went out Sunday night just as we were getting ready to go Christmas Caroling, not good
  • We had a fire in the oven today. We dumped a whole box of corn starch on it before we could get it out. And when I say WE I mean me and the kids, The Marine was at work. We probably wouldn't have HAD a fire if he had been home.
  • Recruit 4 just pulled a tooth and it's pumping blood out of a huge hole. And here I am with NO cash in the house. Tooth Fairy will have to leave him an IOU.

Pretty typical day, I'm going to go crawl in whatever part of the bed Recruit 1 has gotten clean.

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What follows on these posts is true to the best of my knowledge, except what isn't. I only change names to protect the innocent and not so innocent.