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Tuesday, July 7, 2009


My mind is sprinting in a hundred different directions. The Marine has my camera on their trip and so I can't even take pictures right now and I need to clean.

I've got rooms to rearrange and paint now that Recruit 1 is gone and I just can't get motivated.

I'm sure it has something to do with the mountain of clothes in each room. And the fact I couldn't sleep last night. I'm exhausted.

I'll have to borrow GG's camera.

I've also started working out diligently again. It's VERY painful. So much so I have a whole new blog devoted to documenting the torment and pain. I don't want to be old and crotchety and not able to run with my Grand kids.

I don't have any Grand kids yet, so I am not too late. Although I feel a little crotchety. Is that a word?

What else am I thinking about?
I love love love having Island Girl living nearby. Her recruit is the one on the trip with The Marine. Our girls are the same grade in school but almost a year apart. They have become conjoined. Our fears may yet be realized of pulling them out of jail together one day.

Although I think we need to be more worried about my Recruit 6 and her Recruit 4. They were heading off to kick some butt on July 4th.

The target?

These two boys much older and bigger than them who were throwing them around and being bullies. They didn't come to tattle but to gather sticks and pine cones to go back to war. Thank goodness we saw them in time. I have pictures but just am too tired to post them. Check out Island Girls blog, she has a few up.

I am amazed at how years can go buy and I still love my friends. They are members of my family and I am grateful I've been given the opportunity to have them as such. The military often pulls us far away from biological family members, creating distance and sometimes parallel lives.

I miss my El Paso girls. They are sisters too and I wish we were closer to make those secret sonic runs away from the kids. Only way we could talk about all of them without being overheard or interrupted. The Island girl and I kept going to the "store" the other night because we were in the middle of juicy stories and the kids wanted back in the womb for some reason.

Even The Marine kept coming in and finding us.

It can be lonely for those military families who never adapt and open their hearts up to non transitional ties and definitions of "family".

And wait, there's more I'm thinking about.

I also am worried about the fleas. I can't seem to get rid of them off the dogs. Frontline is not working this time. (told you this is hodge podge). Little Red is scratching under my feet and I feel bad for him. Scratch is looking bad too, he's allergic to them. I'm going to go buy super flea killing shampoo tomorrow and stuff for the yard. I don't like using chemicals, but my furry guys are miserable. Death to fleas.

And yet I still have room for other stuff.

Okay, I owe Lacrosse Camp pics, July 4th, and something else, I can't remember what. Right now, I need to go see what Recruits 5 and 6 are doing. Couple of days ago doing his "cool" ninja moves, Recruit 6 knocked a tooth out of Recruit 5's head.

Thank goodness it was a baby tooth already starting to loosen. I'd better make sure the ninja is under control.

The Marine is two hours from his destination. All seem to have survived the two day drive.

I'm alone with the two little Recruits. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Did you try washing the dogs with Thieves cleaner and spraying them with Purification for the fleas? Not having a dog myself, I can't vouch for the effectiveness, but I have heard it works. And smells better.


What follows on these posts is true to the best of my knowledge, except what isn't. I only change names to protect the innocent and not so innocent.