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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Seven Cherry Vanilla Dr. Peppers Please.

So I left my children. I do that sometimes. Just grabbed my stuff and said bye. The sad part is, they never seem concerned. In fact, no one even begged to go with me tonight.

I ran away to Sonic. Recruit 3 told me they were getting closed down because of roaches. But on further questioning she was unable to identify her source. Since I really wanted a Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper I decided to look at what their rating was before accepting my drink.

I drove The Marine's truck. Because I can.

I moved the pedals all the way up and the seat back further than I would normally be able to reach and up as high as it would go. To someone driving by I bet I looked like I was a really tall girl.

I digress. Oh and you have to know the truck is a diesel. It's loud.

So I pull up to the lit menu and yell into the speaker. The lady tells me she can't hear me.

I turn off the truck and start over with my order.

Kelli: "I would like seven Cherry Vanilla Dr. Peppers please."

Sonic: "Seven?"

Kelli: "Yes, seven."

Sonic: "Vanilla Dr Peppers?"

Kelli: "no, CHERRY Vanilla Dr. Peppers, Seven"

no answer

no answer

Sonic: "That will be fourteen dollars"

Kelli: "Thank you"

I wasn't going to get the kids anything but I felt bad that no one challenged me as I ran away from them. Somehow I have to hook them back in, but not a lot. I don't want them clamoring to run away with me, just mildy requesting it.

So I called home and Recruit 1 answered. I told her to send someone outside to the truck as I sat idling in the driveway playing air drums with two sonic straws.

Standing Outside the Fire by Garth Brooks was playing. Very motivating.

She sent herself out. I had alluded to the fact I had presents. She was pleased. I was worried they would deem my offerings below par. But as she neared the truck Recruit 4 was hot on her heals and grinning.

Then 3 sauntered out and 5 skipping behind her. They each claimed their medium Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper happily and smartly about faced, leaving me to Garth and my drumming.
Then 6 ran up and stretching on tippy toes, claimed his drink. Turning to go he hesitated looking back at me.

He wrinkled up his brow and asked "ya got food in there?"

Recruit 2 had yet to appear. I was alone and had already finished my drinking, eyeing his. I called the house. Is he coming out?

Suddenly Recruit 2 shirtless, in pj bottoms and limping runs to the truck. "No one told me!" he said as he claimed the last drink. He was quite pleased with the drink selection.

I made friends.

Oh, and I saw no roaches and their score was a 96.5, not the best, and the fact that I have no idea what is rated doesn't matter. Sonic lives!


Stacey said...

Ummmm yea... you are a brave woman... it was on the front page of the Havelock News last week. Roach invasion... they have 30 days or they are out of here! I guess drinks aren't too dangerous to order though!!

Anonymous said...

Well you should ask Carley about her love for Havelock's Sonic. Just one quick question "did you get exactly what you ordered the first time?"

Kelli said...

Ewwww, Now I'm creeped out. I didn't know it was in the News Paper. Ewwwww, blahck, blahck! ick!!!!

Living in oblivion said...

I want one!!!

Kelli said...

Island girl, is that with one roach or with two??? AND they didn't put cherries in them. I'm very sad...

Carley said...

Sonic must have improved since we lived there. I HATE that place. Hate is a strong word. I don't use it much. For some reason I still went there several times a week, but every single time I left in a horrible mood. Of course they didn't put cherries in them. I went there several times a week for 3 years and they never once got my order right. At least it wasnt' like the sonic here. I swear every single time I go there they are "out" of whatevery I happen to order. EVERY SINGLE TIME! OK, sorry for the rant.

Kelli said...

It's ok Carly, you may Rant, you're safe here... ;)


What follows on these posts is true to the best of my knowledge, except what isn't. I only change names to protect the innocent and not so innocent.